aside, growth in GDP in the current fiscal itself is estimated to be about five
per cent as against the 6.2 per cent recorded in the last fiscal, which is
going to be the lowest in the last decade. And the worst of it is: it is
accompanied by a fall in domestic consumption, net fall in exports, and a fall
in investments. The cumulative effect of these three would be more disturbing,
for it would hurt the growth potential in the coming years too.
is, of course, a faint hope that this figure may be revised upwards, at the end
of current quarter of the fiscal, for after all, this figure is arrived at from
the extrapolation of first three quarters’ figures. Nevertheless, it makes
sense only if there are real signs of recovery in the economy—the profit
figures of corporate is certainly a pointer towards that direction. Here again,
there is a strong argument that whatever solid performance that the corporates
posted under profit is more out of their effective cost-cutting exercise rather
than growth in sales. If this argument is taken to its logical end, it becomes
evident that there is not much hope for new investments. With no encouraging
performance under exports or for that matter under infrastructure investment in
the country, there is not much hope that the CSO’s current estimate of GDP is
likely to be revised upwards.
is further vindicated by the data released yesterday that shown a shrinkage of
country’s industrial production by 0.6 per cent in December, 2012. This is indeed
the sixth monthly decline in the last
nine months of the current fiscal, which
is mainly attributed to the drag down in the industrial out put — Index of Industrial
Production declined by a sharper 0.84 per cent in November than the estimated
0.1 per cent—and the problems in the mining sector. Which is why, even to achieve
five percent growth in the GDP, the industrial production should leapfrog in
the fourth quarter, argue analysts.
must also take note of another peculiar feature of our economy: growth rate is
falling but inflation is persistently staying high—the latest consumer Price
Index-based inflation rate rose to a record 10.79 per cent in January from
10.56 per cent in January. This imbalance between decelerating growth and high
inflation, that too much against the experiences of fellow emerging economies,
is a matter of great concern. There are reasons galore for this disturbing
feature of our economy: no policy direction that could encourage investments in
industrial sector. For the last eight years, the present government has indeed
suffered from reform-paralysis, and as a result, the investors have found no
incentive to invest in the country. It is sheer mismanagement of the economy
that left the country at such a pass.
order to give a boost to the growth in economy, the RBI has, in its latest
credit review, brought down its policy interest rate by 25 basis points to 7.75
per cent from the earlier eight per cent. Though it is in the right direction,
by itself it would not be able to nudge growth forward. Secondly, with the food
prices still rising— the consumer Price Index-based inflation stood at a record
high of 10.79 in January—the RBI might
find it difficult to further ease the interest rates.
would expansionary fiscal policy be able to push it forward. True, before an
election year, governments are often tempted to dole out populist subsidies,
but such a move is fraught with the risk of stoking the inflation further. And
higher inflation will only drive away the voters from the party in power.
what the government should do is, to continue with its good work of reducing
subsidies on diesel and cooking gas and deploy the released capital for giving
a boost to infrastructure development, for it not only generates employment
right now, but also paves the way for growth in industrial output.
Simultaneously, the government should also explore taxing the affluent
differently, for such additional funds can be utilized for re-skilling the
youth for industrial employment.
the same time, the government should show courage to launch necessary
structural reforms, for that alone would make private money move into the
country. This is a must to put India back on growth track—the faster, the
better. The all-time high of Sensex despite the high inflation, poor growth
forecast, falling investment rate, worsening CAD, and heavy public borrowing are
only pointing that India is about to turn a corner. Taking advantage of the global investors’
mood, the finance minister must come out with a budget that reins in fiscal
deficit and an expenditure statement that enhances productivity and employment in
general, along with necessary reforms that make capital investment in India attractive.
This is the right time to garner international capital, for it is looking for
attractive investment centers, as Europe and the US continue to suffer from poor
market demand.
the Manmohan Singh government launched reforms under the aviation, retail and
insurance sectors along with deregulation of oil prices, the growth story would
not have been this bad. Let bygones be bygones. At least, we must act now: to
use or lose this capital that is circling the globe in search of attractive
investment avenues. For, that alone can put us back on growth track.
will the Finance Ministry come out with a pro-investment Budget for achieving turn
around in the economy, is what we all have to wait and see.
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