Mortgaged securities,
pledges and guarantees, etc., are incidentally covered or governed by a single
piece of legislation, i.e., mortgages by the Transfer of Property Act, and
pledge and guarantees by the Indian Contract Act. But, in the case of hypothecation,
there is no such specific piece of legislation which deals with the subject,
and hence different courts are known to interpret the rights under
hypothecation differently. Yet, hypothecation is, perhaps, the commonest form
of security obtained by the banks.
1. Hypothecation—Defined
As mentioned above,
there is no identifiable central law that governs hypothecation, and so, it is
very difficult to give a precise definition of the same.
Watson Law Lexicon
defines hypothecation as “An act of pledging the property or thing without
parting with the possession of the pledged property or thing to the pledgee.”
It means hypothecation is nothing but a pledge without possession.
However, bankers do
not treat hypothecation as a pledge without possession. Going by the usage that
hypothecation has been put to, we may define hypothecation thus:
Hypothecation is a
legal transaction, whereby, goods may be made available as security for a debt
without transferring either the property or the possession thereof to the
lender. It is an equitable charge created on the goods, and is governed by
general principles of the Contract Act.
A still better
comprehension of the term “hypothecation” may be attempted through the logic of
exclusion i.e., seeing what it is not and thereby comprehending what it could
1.1. Hypothecation
vs. Pledge
· “In hypothecation, the possession of the
property is retained by the owner and certain rights in that movable property
are transferred to the person in whose favour the property is hypothecated.
But, in a pledge, the possession of goods also passes to the pledgee by way of
security though the possession may be constructive” (AIR 1988, A.P. 18=(1987)
to Andhra Law Times 360 in the case of State of A.P. and another vs. Andhra
Bank Ltd.).
· In hypothecation, constructive delivery
is in favour of the bank, whereas delivery of goods is a sine qua non in
pledge. In terms of a court observation, in hypothecation, “The goods strictly
speaking are not under lock and key of the bank but are allowed to be kept at
the factory or the premises of the borrower without any lock and key of the
bank as such, but are supposed to be under the constructive possession of the
bank by virtue of the deed of hypothecation, which obliges the borrower to
submit regular return to the bank indicating the increase and decrease in the
value of the said goods to enable the bank from time to time to determine the
drawing power of the borrower with regard to it…. In a sense, the borrower in
the case of hypothecated goods has actual physical possession of the goods as
agent, as it were, of the bank and in that limited sense, hypothecated goods
are also not only constructively but actually in the possession of the bank.”
(M/s. Gopal Singh Hira Singh vs. Punjab National Bank AIR 1976, Delhi, 115).
In a pledge, the bank can sell the goods outright and file a suit to recover the balance; whereas in the case of hypothecation, goods can only be sold if possession is gained with the consent of the borrower, and a suit can be filed for recovering the balance or goods can be sold only through the intervention of the court. However, there are conflicting court decisions in this regard.
In a pledge, the bank can sell the goods outright and file a suit to recover the balance; whereas in the case of hypothecation, goods can only be sold if possession is gained with the consent of the borrower, and a suit can be filed for recovering the balance or goods can be sold only through the intervention of the court. However, there are conflicting court decisions in this regard.
1.2. Hypothecation
vs. Mortgage
· In mortgage, there is an intention to transfer
interest in the property to the mortgagee; whereas in the case of hypothecation
no such attempt is made except to create a charge on the movables.
· In the case of mortgage,
enforceability of security must be through the intervention of court; whereas
in the case of hypothecation, since there is an equitable charge on the
property and movables, the creditor (as held in some decided cases by various
courts) is entitled to take possession of the goods and cause the sale of
It is obvious from
the foregoing that in the case of hypothecation the title in the goods remains
with the customer; the de jure and de facto possession continues to remain with
the borrower and the creditor has merely a right to recover his dues, if need
be, by the sale of the security. It is also held that, if the customer sells
the hypothecated goods the bank can trace his claim to the proceeds, since it
has an equitable and enforceable charge over the movables hypothecated.
1.3. Who can
Hypothecate Goods as Security
It can be by anyone –
an individual, partnership firm, company and so on. However, in the case of
individuals and partnerships, the risks are too great since it is difficult to
notify the bank’s charge effectively to the external world at large.
In the case of
companies, by virtue of registration of charges with ROC which is mandatory, a
constructive notice to the world at large is possible.
1.4. What can be
In the light of
experience of the banks, any or all of the following can be hypothecated:
- Existing stock of movable goods;
- Goods that are not in the debtor’s immediate
possession or control. E.g., Goods in transit;
- Goods which are not in existence at the time
the security is given. E.g., Agricultural crops, implements yet to be
fabricated and supplied, etc.;
- Goods which are in the manufacturing process;
- Immovable machinery and plant; and
- Present and future debts.
1.5. Rights and
Liabilities of Hypothecator
The borrower, who has
hypothecated the goods as security to the lending banker, as in vogue, is
entitled to:
- Possession of the goods;
- Trade with the goods, i.e., to sell or to
dispose of otherwise;
- Appropriate the proceeds for keeping the
business in motion, i.e., to acquire fresh stocks, purchase raw material,
undertake processing activities, meet other operating expenses contingent
to the business, etc.
However, by virtue of
his creating an equitable charge by executing a deed of hypothecation favouring
the lending banker, the borrower is obligated to:
- Furnish details of the stocks held by him and
the value thereunder from time to time;
- Realise the sale proceeds of the stock
disposed of and account for the same by way of fresh acquisitions,
investments in the processing, depositing in the loan account, etc.;
- Maintain the stocks at the promised levels to
the lending banker at all times;
- Insure the stocks against all risks; and
- Protect the goods from all possible risks.
1.6. Rights and
Responsibilities of Hypothecatee
To repeat again,
hypothecation is not covered by any single piece of legislation that
facilitates identification of rights and responsibilities of a hypothecatee.
But, based on various court judgements, the following may be identified as
available rights of a hypothecatee.
1.6.1. Selling the
Hypothecated Goods
In the matter of Shri
Yellamma Cotton Wollen & Silk Mills and Co. Ltd., Bank of Maharashtra Ltd.,
Pune, vs. Official Liquidator, AIR 1969 – Mysore 280=1970; 40 Company Cases 460
– the Mysore High Court passed a verdict on the matter of authority of the Bank
to sell the hypothecated goods:
“In the case of
hypothecation or pledge of movable goods, there is no doubt about the
creditor’s right to take possession, to retain possession and to sell the goods
directly without the intervention of the court for the purpose of recovering
his dues. The position in the case of regular pledge completed by possession is
undoubted and set out in the relevant sections of the Contract Act.
Hypothecation is only an extended idea of pledge, the creditor permitting the
debtor to retain possession either on behalf of or in trust for himself
“Hence, so far as the
movables actually covered by the hypothecation deeds are concerned, there can
be no doubt the Bank is entitled to retain possession and also exercise the
right of private sale.”
1.6.2. Forcible Possession
of Goods
The agreement of
Hypothecation obtained by banks usually contains a clause empowering them to
take possession of hypothecated goods and to sell them without any legal
sanction on the occurrence of certain specified events. In practice, this is,
however, a difficult power to be exercised since the goods are always in the
possession of the borrower. If the possession is not given voluntarily,
obviously it is not lawful for the lender to take possession of the goods
forcibly, though such a power is included in the document. Such a forcible act
would amount to breach of peace, wrongful entry, wrongful restraint, trespass,
etc., and the borrower can file a criminal complaint against the lending bank
that resorts to forcible possession. Incidentally, an agreement permitting the
commission of such an act is an offence in itself, and is, therefore, unlawful
and not enforceable in a court.
Nevertheless, it is
in the interest of the lending bank to take possession of such hypothecated
goods once the borrower defaults, as, otherwise, they may lose whatever salvage
value they had. So this needs to be attended to with all care, concern and
1.6.3. Removing and
Storing of the Goods
The next question,
after having taken possession of the goods, is where to store them. Unless the
agreement permits, storing of goods within the borrower’s premises but under
bank’s lock and key may not be lawful. The obvious alternative is to remove and
store the goods elsewhere. Now, if it is a manufacturing unit, the task of
removing the raw materials, goods in the manufacturing process, and so on and
again storing it in hired premises is not an easy one. Incidentally, no attempt
should be made to lock up the entire factory or other premises for taking
possession of hypothecated assets as such an act is liable for damages for
wrongful closure of the factory. At times, there could be disputes owing to the
intervention of factory workers, which again demands circumspection.
Taking an inventory
of the items, preferably in the presence of borrowers, and if possible
valuation thereof is of paramount importance while taking possession of the
goods. Further, to obviate future litigations or allegations being raised by
the borrowers, banks should give a notice to the borrower demanding his
presence at the time of taking inventory.
1.6.4. Realisation of
the Hypothecated Machinery
Hypothecation of
movable machinery and plant is frequently done along with equitable mortgage or
as an independent security. Enforcement of such securities poses problems since
a question often arises whether the machinery is, in fact, movable or
immovable. It can be sold separately if only the machinery is movable.
Secondly, even if it
is movable, its realisable value may get eroded once annexed from the other
fixed machinery.
1.6.5. Realisation of
Book Debts
Since the debtors are
numerous and spread across the country, realisation of this security is very
difficult despite the bank being a constituted attorney to recover and realise
book debts of the borrower. It is also not uncommon to find that book debts, which
have already been paid, are continued to be shown as receivables by the
The bank’s
difficulties in realising the book debts multiply when the borrower company is
in liquidation and the official liquidator has taken possession of all the books
of account of the company.
1.6.6. Notice of
Payment and Sale in Default
Once the goods come
under the bank’s possession, it should issue the borrower a final notice for
the payment of the amount due in the account and sale on default. Thereafter, it
is preferable to dispose of the goods through public auction or by inviting
There is always the
likelihood that the borrower may contend that the price realised is not
sufficient and may even threaten to sue the bank for damages for wrongful sale
or sale at an undervaluation or throw-away prices. However, despite this risk,
taking possession of hypothecated goods and disposal of the same through public
auction would have a definite deterring effect on the erring borrowers.
Besides, such sale before filing a civil suit also reduces the incidence of
court fees and other expenses relating to the filing of the suit.
Box: State Bank of India vs. Monarch Cyber Solutions Ltd &
Others [IV (2005) BC 204 (DRAT/DRT)]
Facts of the Case
The 1st Defendant
Company was dealing with Software and Hardware items such as computers,
printers, furniture, fittings, etc. The 1st Defendant Company availed a loan
from State Bank of India. Defendants 2 to 4 stood as guarantors and
Defendants 5 to 7 offered corporate guarantee for the money borrowed by 1st
Defendant Company. Since the 1st Defendant Company failed to discharge the
loan, the Appellant Bank filed the OA.
Defendants 1, 5, 6,
and 7 remained ex parte. Defendant No. 2 filed a written statement in which
defendant No. 2 admitted to borrowing from the Bank and that Defendants 2 to
4, who were the Directors of the Company, stood as guarantors for repayment
of the loan amounts. It was also admitted that Defendants No. 5 to 7 were
body corporate and they also stood as guarantors for the loan sanctioned to
Defendant No. 1 Company. Defendants No. 3 and 4 filed a separate written
statement but similar to Defendant No. 2’s written statement.
The DRT appointed a
Receiver who took charge of all the movable property of the 1st Defendant
Company and realized Rs.4,06,000 through sale. The only defense by the
Defendants was that the sale was not properly made. The defendants contended
that the property was worth more than Rs.40,00,000.
The contention of
the Appellant Bank was that Defendants 2 to 4 stood as guarantors not only as
directors but also in their individual capacity by virtue of clause 7 of the
guarantee agreement. It was contended by the Appellant that Defendants 5 to 7
had also given a corporate guarantee and the agreement executed by them also
incorporated clause 7 which read the same as clause 7 of the agreement
executed by Defendants 2 to 4. According to the Appellant, the guarantors
bound themselves in Clause 7 of the agreement that they would not claim
benefit under section 140 and 141 of the Indian Contract Act.
The Appellant Bank
further stated that the Defendant Company shifted some of the property, such
as computers and printers, held by it to Bangalore without its permission.
The Appellant Bank submitted that it filed an application for the appointment
of Receiver for movable property in order to stop the Defendants from
disposing of the property and defeat the claim.
DRT accepted the
Defendant’s contention that the properties were not sold for proper value. It
further observed that the sale was conducted without giving proper notice to
Defendants No. 2, 3 and 4. Therefore, it was held in the OA that Defendants 2
to 7 were discharged as guarantors and only Defendant No. 1 was liable to pay
the claim under the OA. An appeal was preferred before DRAT.
The only issue
before the DRAT was whether the orders passed by DRT stating that the
Respondents got discharged since the property hypothecated for security got
impaired due to the action of Appellant Bank is proper or not.
The DRAT, while
setting aside the orders passed by DRT, observed that the surety can agree to
waive his right available to him under various provisions contained in
Chapter VIII of the Indian Contract Act, 1872. However, such a waiver is
available to the extent permissible under Sec 133 r/w Sec 128 of the Indian
Contract Act, 1872 only. The guarantors waived their right under clause 7 of
the agreement and therefore could not claim that since the value of the
property hypothecated got impaired, they were discharged from the liability.
Further the guarantors failed to provide sufficient proof to establish their
It was also
observed that the DRT was empowered to appoint a Receiver under Sec 19 (18)
of the Recovery of Debts Due to Banks and Financial Institutions Act, 1993
and such an appointment was in order. Further, the Respondents did not
challenge the appointment. Therefore, it was not open for the Respondents to
contend that the sale of the property would discharge them from their
Case Notes
According to Sec
128 of the Indian Contract Act, the liability of the surety is coextensive
with that of the principal debtor unless it is otherwise provided by the
contract. Thus, the liability of surety is subject to the terms of the
contract as may be arrived at by the parties to the contract. The words
“unless otherwise provided by the terms of the contract” will also have a
bearing on the provisions laid down under Chapter VII of the Indian Contract
Act, 1872, which enable the surety to give up the rights available to him
under sections 133 to 139 and 141.
Source: The Icfai Journal of Banking
Law, Vol. IV, No. 2, 2006.
1.7. Hypothecation
vs. Surety
As mentioned above,
hypothecated goods by virtue of being in the hands of the borrower are prone to
be sold by the borrower and the proceeds not appropriated towards the debt. Now
the question is whether the surety gets discharged to the extent of the security
thus lost or parted with or without the consent of the surety under Section 141
of the Contract Act.
No definite answer
can be arrived at for such questions. Since the rights and obligations of a
hypothecator and the hypothecatee are nowhere defined precisely, courts
have so far taken different stances, which, at times, are quite opposite,
regarding the rights and obligations of various parties under hypothecation.
In the matter of
Karnataka Bank Ltd. vs. Gajanan Shankarrao Kulkarni and another (AIR 1977
Karnataka 14) it was held that a mere passive inactivity or passive negligence
on the part of the creditor in failing to realise the debt from the security is
not sufficient in itself to discharge a surety, as the surety can himself avoid
the consequences of such passivity by paying the debt and getting subrogated to
the rights of the creditor. In the absence of a contract to the contrary, a
creditor is not under obligation to active diligence for the protection of the
surety so long as the surety himself remains inactive.
However, an opposite
view was taken in the case of State Bank of India vs. Quality Bread Factory and
Other (AIR 1983 Punjab & Haryana 244). It was held that it is immaterial
whether the goods are under lock and key of the bank as pledgee or under
hypothecation of the bank, for in both the cases, the bank is having
constructive possession as hypothecatee or pledgee. Hence, the surety stands
discharged to the extent of the value of the security lost or parted, without
the consent of the surety, more so, since the Indian Contract Act does not
specify that this principle applies only to a pledge.
In another case viz.,
Bank of India vs. Yogeshwar Kant Wadhera and Others (AIR 1987 Punjab &
Haryana 176), the court overruled the above judgement and held that a surety in
case of hypothecation is not entitled to invoke the provisions of Section 141
of the Indian Contract Act, for the simple reason that if the goods are not in
the possession of the hypothecatee, there is no question of his losing or
parting with the same, and it would be wrong to say that the goods are in
constructive possession of the creditor bank because it has no effective
control over them, and by hypothecation, only equitable charge is created and
nothing more.
2. Precautions to be
Taken by Lending Banker
Since the law
relating to hypothecation is quite unclear and much is dependent on how the
courts interpret individual cases from time to time, the lending bankers need
to be extremely careful in managing the hypothecation security for many
· Goods are basically in the possession of the
borrower – hence it can depreciate and can get disposed of by the borrower with
no appropriation towards the loan outstanding. Hence, constant monitoring is a
must in managing hypothecated security.
The hypothecator enjoys the comfort of
disposing of the goods that has demand while storing non-movers, i.e., goods
having no demand/market, in the godown as stock hypothecated to the lending
banker. Such an act affords only an illusory value to the lending banker, and
hence, banks should always try to separate the chaff from the wheat.
- The banker should ensure that the value of
hypothecated goods is at cost but not inclusive of profit.
- Since the price of the same goods keeps
changing from time to time, the banker should constantly monitor to ensure
that the goods are valued at ruling cost/market price or cost price,
whichever is less.
- The banker should also ensure that the
hypothecated goods are paid for, i.e., not obtained on credit terms, as
the seller continues to have his right on such goods. Technically
speaking, the borrower can create charge even on unpaid stocks/stocks
obtained on credit but it amounts to “double financing”. It also
encourages “over trading” which is against the prudential norms of
lending. Over and above this, such financing against unpaid stocks makes
the bank pari passu with the other creditor for goods. Secondly, it also
needs to be verified that the goods are not obtained under the
Guarantee/LC facilities granted by the bank itself, for it results in
double financing.
- Banks should ensure that the entire stock
hypothecated to the bank is properly insured against fire and other risks.
It is also to be ensured that the “banks clause” notifying the interest of
the bank in the good insured is inserted in the policy, so that the
insurance company pays the claim to the bank directly and not to the
borrower, and gets valid discharge.
- The bank should display its name plate
indicating to the world at large that the goods in the premises are under
an equitable charge with the bank.
- In the case of company accounts, the
hypothecatee should ensure that the hypothecation charge on the goods is
registered with the Registrar of Companies, with the full description of
the goods under his charge. Even then, there is the risk of the
hypothecatee’s charge becoming invalid under Section 534 of the Companies
Act, 1956. For example, when the company is being wound up, a floating
charge created within twelve months of the commencement of the winding up
shall, unless it is proved that the company after the creation of the
charge was solvent, be invalid, except to the amount of any cash paid to
the company at the time of, or subsequent to, the creation and in
consideration for the charge together with interest.
All the disadvantages
listed above, no doubt, make hypothecation charge a security of poor value.
Nevertheless, many of these weaknesses can be managed with proper monitoring
and constant evaluation. And, hypothecation being the commonest form of security
accepted in the banking circles, there is no way out for the banks except to
accept such risks and manage them through proper monitoring tools.
Hypothecation is one
of the commonest modes of security creation in banks. There is, however, no
specific law by which the rights and liabilities of the hypothecator and
hypothecatee are defined. Hypothecation is governed by the general principles
of the Contract Act. Therefore, the courts interpret the obligations under
hypothecation in different ways.
Hypothecation is
basically an equitable charge created by the borrower over his goods as
security for the loan being availed from a banker. The goods could be in
existence or come into existence, or book debts. Since the possession of goods
is always with the borrower, the material value of the security is always
doubtful unless the borrower is a man of honesty. It thus casts an additional
responsibility on banks of monitoring the goods and ensuring that the security
is available.
The hypothecatee has
a right to take possession of the goods charged and dispose them of for
realizing the value and appropriating the same towards the loan balances. But,
in practice, this is a very difficult proposition, unless the customer
voluntarily gives up possession. It is desirable to take an inventory of goods
in the presence of the borrower and give him a notice before disposing of the
Hypothecation has got
very many disadvantages for the simple reason that the very possession of goods
always remains with the borrower. However, since hypothecation is one of the
most convenient and commonest modes of security creation by a borrower, the
banks have no option but to accept it and manage it skillfully.
If any one purchase hypothicated machines unknowingly but proper invoices are taken by the seller what will happen
ReplyDeleteIf any one purchase hypothicated machines unknowingly but proper invoices are taken by the seller what will happen
ReplyDeleteEven then, the charge travels along with the goods...