has almost been two decades since the Handbook
of International Economics, Vol. III, came into libraries enlightening the
professional researchers and senior students of economics about the progress of
research on trade theory, international finance and macroeconomics of the open
then, the global economy has witnessed incredible transformations: one, aided
by sweeping technological innovations and the steady opening up of goods and
capital markets, the world has witnessed deeper and wider trade and financial
integration; two, emerging market economies grew at about 7% per annum on
average and within it Asia grew much faster at close to 8% per annum; three,
the share of emerging economies in world exports of goods and services doubled
between 1990 and 2006; four, powerful economic giants have emerged; five,
global economic imbalances reached threatening levels—external asset position
of China, Japan and Germany rose to alarming levels, while the external
liability of the US ($3.5 tn in 2008) rose to almost 25% of its GDP; six,
sovereign debt booms and the resulting debt repayment crisis almost threatened
the Euro zone; and, seven, globalization, having put all the countries into one
boat, threatened global economic and financial stability via contagion risk—the
wounds of Asian crisis of 1997 and the US subprime crisis of 2008 being fresh
in mind. Above it, all these changes are cumulatively demanding
systematic changes in the policy framework.
the global economy is passing through these traumatic transformations,
researchers in the field of international economics have simultaneously made
tremendous “intellectual progress.” Drawing together all these research
findings and lucidly presenting the resulting theoretical insights, the Handbook of International Economics –
Vol. IV has been brought out by Elsevier
under the editorship of Gita Gopinath, Elhanan Helpman and Kenneth Rogoff. This
volume presents multiple perspectives to better our understanding of the core
areas of global economy by allocating six chapters to discuss international
trade and another six chapters to discuss international macroeconomics—all
written by eminent scholars from the respective fields.
the opening chapter—“Heterogeneous Firms and Trade”—its authors, Marc J Melitz
and Stephen J Redding, reviewing the empirical data that has emerged since the
1990s, introduce a general theoretical framework for the ‘firm-heterogeneity’—a
new approach as against the ‘sectoral approach’ adopted by neoclassical
analysts earlier—in differentiated product markets and through it explain a
variety of features exhibited by the data such as performance differences and
the differences in the payment of wages between exporters and non-exporters,
patterns of within-industry reallocation of resources following trade
liberalization, and patterns of trade participation across firms and
destination markets. They move on to examine endogenous firm-specific
productivity levels. They opine that there is a complementarity between exports
and investments in productivity-enhancing avenues, for the payoff from such
investments is found to be higher for the exporting firms. Finally, reviewing
the recent literature on the impact of trade on wage inequity, the authors
conclude that residual wage inequality, which is believed to be a product of
the firm heterogeneity, has become the main culprit in generating inequality in
on to the next chapter—“Multinational Firms and the Structure of International
Trade”—we have Pol Antràs and Stephen R Yeaple who, reviewing the current
literature on the role of multinational firms in the global trading system,
attempt to answer questions such as: “Why do some firms become multinational?
How do they select a country to locate their production center? Why do they
prefer foreign affiliates?” It is observed that the most productive firms
become multinationals operating primarily in capital-intensive and
R&D-intensive sectors—preferably parents specialize in R&D while
affiliates tend to sell goods in the host countries—while the least productive
firms serve the domestic market. It is the differences in factor prices and
firm heterogeneity that are found to primarily decide FDI. The chapter offering
a detailed discussion about theories of the boundaries of firms and their
impact on multinationals draws certain generalizations from the literature:
high-productive firms have concentrated more on offshoring, while the most
productive among them have gone for FDI. To explain the theoretical
contributions of literature on these issues, the authors have also developed
focal models, and to facilitate easy identification of similarities and the
differences among these models, they have used the same tools and notations
across models. They have also re-estimated the econometric models proposed in
some of the influential papers with new datasets, perhaps, to provide updated
empirical results.
is followed by an important chapter—“Gravity Equations: Workhorse, Toolkit, and
Cookbook”— that exclusively focuses on the estimation and interpretation of
gravity equations solely based on the theoretical foundations for bilateral
trade. Beginning with a historical review of the fundamental equation and
offering three related definitions, Keith Head and Thierry Mayer proceed to describe
a series of theoretical models—representing demand conditions, supply
conditions; perfect competition/monopolistic competition; symmetric
firms/heterogeneous firms—that yield gravity equations. This is followed by a
very useful discussion on the advantages and limitations of alternative
methods, including Monte Carlo study of alternative estimators. They also
discuss the prominent use of gravity equations in assessing the impact of trade
policies such as free trade agreements and currency areas on trade flows duly
pointing out the partial and general equilibrium effects. While foreseeing “a
great deal of interesting work ahead”, the authors caution the reader not to
rely solely on any one method, instead “advocate a tool-kit approach” to
establish robustness.
forward, as the very name of the subsequent chapter—“Trade Theory with Numbers:
Quantifying the Consequences of Globalization”—indicates, we have Arnaud
Costinot and Andrés Rodríguez-Clare showing us how structural gravity equations
can be used to quantify the effect of globalization on trade flows. Based on
the knowledge gained from reviewing a variety of models that yield gravity
equations, the authors conclude that many of them shared the same
formulae—proportional decline of the share of spending on a country’s own goods
and the elasticity of trade with respect to variable trade costs being the
ingredients—for estimating the gains from trade. They have shown the usage of
structural gravity models to estimate the impact of trade policies, such as
tariffs, via counterfactual analysis. They also discuss how economic factors
such as market structure, firm-level heterogeneity, multiple sectors,
intermediate goods and multiple factors of production influence the outcome of
trade liberalization. They finally wind up the chapter with a discussion on
alternative approaches for quantifying the gains from globalization.
appreciation of the rapidly growing volume of research on the effects of
domestic institutions—acting as creators of comparative advantage—on
international trade, the Editors have rightly introduced a new chapter,
“Domestic Institutions as a Source of Comparative Advantage.” Nathan Nunn and
Daniel Trefler did a good job by beginning the chapter with a discussion on how
differences in the quality of legal system between two countries with similar
technologies and factor prices can result in differing unit costs. Reviewing
the accumulated research on the comparative advantages offered by the legal
system of a country, the authors conclude that countries with better legal
system tend to export relatively more, particularly in contract-intensive
sectors. Simultaneously, they bring out clearly the significant methodological
issues involved in the analysis. They have also traced the impact of
institutions, such as associated with product market, financial market and
labor market on comparative advantage. Finally, they have reviewed the
literature on the effect of international trade on domestic institutions.
Incidentally, the improvements that the Indian capital market witnessed since
liberalization of the economy is a good example for the reverse causation
emanating from international trade improving domestic institutions.
final chapter under trade-related matters—“International Trade Agreements”—by
Giovanni Maggi begins with a discussion on what essentially motivates a country
to go for trade agreement—terms-of-trade theory-based motive,
commitments-driven motive, and motive meant for taking advantage of trade
policies that impact firm-entry and exit and reallocation of profits across
firms and countries—using simple models that mostly factored in political and
economic considerations. This is followed by a discussion on designing trade
agreements, particularly, in the light of costs such as contracting frictions
arising out of contract incompleteness and imperfect enforcement. Maggi also
discusses dispute settlement mechanism under WTO. Finally, he addresses the
issue of mushrooming of RTAs, tracing the economic and political reasons behind
such a proliferation. He then discusses the impact of RTAs on multilateral
trade negotiations under WTO. However, the chapter has no straight answer to
many challenging questions such as: Why RTAs, though known to be discriminatory
in nature vis-a-vis multilateral trade negotiations and are harmful to
worldwide efficiency of resource allocation, are being entertained even by the
US and Euro zone? Why Doha Round failed? How to eliminate bargain frictions
under the demand for agricultural export subsidies, enforcing labor and
environmental standards, etc.?
to the next section of the book, International Macroeconomics, we have Ariel
Burstein and Gita Gopinath, who, starting their chapter—“International Prices
and Exchange Rates”—with a survey on the empirical theoretical developments on
the relation between exchange rates and prices under five heads, present a
framework to interpret the current empirical evidence. They examine the partial
equilibrium problem of a firm and then the impact of exchange rate movements on
the pricing of the firm at the boarder and at the consumer level, followed by
an analysis of flexible prices and sticky prices. This is followed by
aggregation of these prices and examining the implications for aggregate price
indices. The focus then shifts to the current research that endogenizes
variable markups and pricing to market—including factoring of details such as
firm heterogeneity, consumer search and matching, distribution costs and
inventories in alternative models, which are supposed to enhance our
understanding of the link between exchange rates and prices. Finally, they
present a general equilibrium model in which exchange rates and wages are
determined by monetary shocks and also evaluate its utility.
next chapter—“Exchange Rates and Interest Parity”—surveying the current
literature since 1995, traces the theoretical and empirical contributions that
facilitate determination of nominal exchange rates. Its author, Charles Engel,
examines the traditional monetary models where Uncovered Interest Parity (UIP)
and rational expectations hold good looked through the lens of the dynamic and
stochastic New Keynesian perspective. He then describes the recent empirical
tests that can explain and forecast exchange rates both in and out of sample.
Moving to the recent developments on the residual term that captures deviations
from the UIP, the author attempts to explain it out citing the recent
finance-based models of foreign exchange risk premia, heterogeneous private
information, deviation from strict rational expectations and other
imperfections in capital markets. He then offers an easily learnable framework
for several of these models. Interestingly, he concludes his chapter with
suggestions for further research by raising provocative but right questions, of
which this one stares straight in your face: Where is the convincing
explanation for the actual movements in currency values [that we witnessed
during 2008-2012]? This incidentally reminds me of an anecdotal theory often
heard in dealing rooms: “Dealers never know why prices are moving because they
are too busy moving prices.”
on to the next chapter—“Assessing International Efficiency”—we encounter an
interesting beginning that entices us stay glued to the articulation, for
Jonathan Heathcote and Fabrizio Perri—authors of the chapter—raise challenging
questions: “Is the observed allocation of resources across residents in
different countries Pareto efficient? Or is it possible for a single government
…to devise a mechanism … that improves the welfare of residents in all the
countries? If observed allocations are inefficient, how large are the potential
welfare gains from improving efficiency?” And that sets the tone for the
articulation to follow: departing from the traditional approach to answer these
questions, the authors offer a unified framework to assess international
efficiency at business cycles frequencies and over long- run as well. In the
process, the authors bring forth the interconnectedness between the so called
puzzles: cross-country co-movements in consumption, in investment, and
co-movement between consumption and the real exchange rate. Finally they
conclude: one, over long-run, allocations appear to be inefficient; two,
patterns of cross-country co-movement in macro aggregates are consistent with
the efficiency; and three, it is difficult to reconcile observed exchange rate
dynamics with efficiency, nor could they be reconciled with alternative
decentralized asset market structures—a pointer to explicit limit on
international risk sharing? The obvious question that the authors raise in the
conclusion of their chapter is: Whether specific policy interventions increase
efficiency? And in answering this question, they validate a commonsensical
argument, of course, with empirical evidence: removal of frictions in
international financial markets should increase efficiency.
next chapter—“External Adjustment, Global Imbalances, Valuation Effects”—begins
with Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas and Hélène Rey—its authors—highlighting a few
important stylized facts of the new international financial landscape: global
imbalances, allocation puzzle, increased cross-border gross flows and
positions, their heterogeneity, and the importance of valuation effects to
understand their implications for the international monetary and financial
system. Their analysis shows that capital flows to countries that enjoy high
autarky returns to the capital. And productivity growth is identified as the
main determinant of autarky returns in the neoclassical growth model. Which is
why the authors infer that capital flows from emerging to advanced economies—a
paradox. The authors analyze the current literature on ‘valuation
effects’—arising from capital gains/losses resulting from a country’s external
portfolio including gains/losses arising out of exchange rate movements—to
understand the changes in a country’s net foreign asset position and its
quantitative importance for long-term solvency. They conclude by asserting the
dangers of contagion inherent to large-scale cross-border holdings, besides
highlighting the need for deeper analysis of the international financial
next chapter—“Sovereign Debt”—is all about understanding the economics of and
the new challenges posed by sovereign debt. Its authors, Mark Aguiar and Manuel
Amador, start the chapter with an apt statement: “the defining feature of
sovereign debt is the limited mechanism for enforcement”, followed by a summary
of current research on sovereign debt, debt-default, debt overhang and debt
crisis. Reviewing a set of models, they explain the role of reputations versus
legal enforcement mechanisms; the impact of debt overhang on macroeconomic
outcomes such as investment, growth, and volatility; the time taking process of
graduation to non-frequent defaulter status and the resulting debt overhang and
political economy frictions; the possibility of unverifiable shocks in limiting
risk-sharing; the vulnerability of self-fulfilling debt crisis; the
difficulties involved in timely renegotiating of the debt, and the ability of
theoretical models to quantitatively match key empirical patterns. They conclude stating that more progress is
needed on mapping the theoretical models to the data.
the editors end the book with a chapter—“International Financial
Crises”—wherein its author, Guido Lorenzoni, surveying the recent research on
international financial crises, offers theoretical explanations to better our
understanding of the global crises. The author first examines the earlier
models of currency crisis, highlighting the effect of inconsistent policies
adopted by countries with fixed exchange regime on the capital outflows. This
is followed by an explanation about speculative attack models of currency
crisis. He then describes the crises arising out of shock to the current
account emanating from sudden stoppage in capital inflows for exogenous reasons
and traces its implication for the real economy as a function of the exchange
rate regime. Unlike in the last volume, examining the financial crises— that
have today become more an amalgamation of sudden stop in capital flows, banking
crisis, and sovereign debt crisis accompanied by currency crisis—both from
monetary and fiscal policy fronts, the author explains why countries become
vulnerable to crisis such as current account deficit, overvalued exchange rate,
and large sovereign debt. He also examines the scope for preventive policies.
we thus come to the end of the book, a naïve reader like me might end up
wondering: What solution do I have for the global financial crisis?
Nevertheless, one thing is certain: his economic perception of the underlying
reasons for the crisis having been sharpened, he is sure to raise right and
piercing questions, and that obviously puts him on the path of answer. Thus, it
is a must-have reference book for all those who are engaged in researching
India’s economy that is today plagued by widening current account deficit,
falling currency, high inflation, not-too-comfortable fiscal deficiencies and a
slack in GDP growth for almost last five years. It is no exaggeration to say
that this book is an accolade worth having by every front-end researcher, for
it offers on a platter the current status of research in international
economics. The book is, of course, priced pretty expensively at $150 but it
should not deter University libraries to generously make it available that too
in sufficient numbers to its aspiring readers. And anything short of it is a
disservice to the academia and the economy as well.
Courtesy: IUP Journal of Applied Economics
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