Bagehot, a noted economist, banker, political thinker and commentator, critic
and man of letters of the 19th century once said: “A bank lives on credit. Till
it is trusted it is nothing; and when it ceases to be trusted, it returns to be
To put it differently, being in “trust” makes all the
difference—when you have a sure feeling about your “credit-decision”, you’re
less likely to go back and forth uncertain of the actions you have taken or are
taking. To be confident about one’s
credit decisions one needs to listen to his inner voice, his gut, and try to
erase the ghosts of self-doubt in countering non-commercial considerations. It is worth remembering here—“you have
control over how you choose to see situations and decide whether or not to
lend”. When one goes after his dreams and puts things in the right perspective,
his confidence will soar, and he will be able to succeed in building-up healthy
loan assets. This however calls for identification of the external forces that
are likely to challenge a lending-authority’s “decision-making-prowess” so
that, one could build-up necessary strategy to overcome these hurdles and build
a healthy credit portfolio and that is what this paper shall attempt to
What is Credit?
Before we
begin our discussion about extraneous considerations and such agencies that are
potential-enough to impair a credit decision, it might help put things into context
if we discuss what credit is all about. Credit is at the very heart of banking.
Indeed the word “credit” was derived from the Latin “credere” which, means “to
trust or believe”. Thus, credit means faith or confidence that is engendered
between a debtor and creditor, which may result in the transfer of value in the
present, the payment being deferred to the future. Credit is often defined from
two platforms: One, credit as a potentiality and two as an actuality. In the case of former it is defined as “ the
power to obtain goods or service by giving a promise to pay money on demand or
at a specified date in the future” while in the case of the latter it is
defined as “the present right to a future payment”.
From this
generic understanding, we can define bank-credit as an amount of money that has
been delivered by a bank to a customer in return for the promise of interest
and capital repayment in the future. It is simply an exchange of rights—an
immediate right given to a borrower to use the money against a future right
given to the bank to demand money. It is to ensure that the borrower returns
the promised rent on the capital along with the principal; banks usually
scrutinize every credit-request of a
customer scrupulously. However meticulously one may analyze a credit
proposition, there always remains an element of uncertainty about the promised
repayment forthcoming, for they are simply futuristic. In banking
terminology, this phenomena of some bank loans certainly become non-performing,
is represented by the word “credit-risk” and it is to overcome this embedded
risk, as also a matter of prudence, banks try to reduce their exposure to
credit risk in many ways:
• Declining loans to weaker propositions
• Demanding collaterals and other credit
• Obtaining third-party guarantees
• Diversifying the loan portfolio
• Building up reserves to cover potential
That is the
kind of “objective-analysis” that is necessarily to be undertaken while
entertaining a credit-request and yet banks are often found to decide upon a
loan proposition at a petty “subjective” level.
It is because of this “subjectivity” that is at the heart of credit
analysis and the ultimate credit-decision, that the ability of “external-forces”
to influence credit- decisions, stands enhanced. Some such forces external to the credit
proposition that is on hand but potential-enough to influence the outcome of a
credit decision, can be broadly analyzed under the following heads.
Credit Culture of a Bank
In the broadest sense, credit culture of a bank is the
“unique combination of policies, practices, experience and management attitudes
that defines the lending environment and determines lending behavior acceptable
to the bank”. It manifests in the “shared beliefs as to the desirability of
lending being done on the basis of prudent, commercial and profit-oriented
criteria” and the same reflects in some of the following ways:
• A comprehensive approach to asset quality
• Centralized lending policies
• Efforts to diversify risk and avoid
over-concentration in particular segments, sectors or firms
• An explicit approval system for granting
loans, with clear delegation of authority and accountability
• Separation of the loan marketing function from
the credit function, and the independence of the latter from the former
• The incorporation of credit quality concerns
into the staff performance review process.
A bank whose
credit culture is anything other than what
has been described above is likely to suffer from lending being done for
non-commercial reasons and in the process end-up in poor quality loan assets. A
poor credit culture of a bank may result in:
Lending for non-commercial
As discussed earlier, a credit is extended to a client against
his/her promise to repay it in future as per an agreed repayment schedule. It
implies that the borrower should generate funds out of the borrowed funds and
service the debt and its cost. This philosophy of paying the borrowed funds
from the future cash-flows casts upon the bank officers the responsibility of
analyzing the potential of the proposed business activity to generate funds
that enables a borrower to service the debt as also to distribute dividends to
the shareholders. Suffice to say that a loan proposal must essentially be
appraised in terms of its technical feasibility and commercial viability. Any
deviation from this doctrine is likely to impair the quality of the assets
being created.
As against
this requirement, there are instances where banks are known to sanction loans
out of their consideration for non-commercial reasons such as:
• family relationship
• acquaintanceship
• social
or political stature of the borrower; or
• bank
officers owing their jobs to political
• bank
officers who may suffer negative career considerations
• Political
leader requesting that a company in his constituency be favored with a loan
• threat
to the life ending authority from mafia
• the
prospect of an individual rather than the bank
• enjoying the benefit of the loan either
directly or through kick-backs or reciprocal favors owed.
The rejection
of commercial criteria as the basis for lending may not always be explicit.
Nonetheless, non-commercial considerations
may permeate the credit approval process very intensely particularly, in
banks that are encased in poor credit culture with the accompanying deleterious
At times,
explicit government policies in terms of directed lending etc., makes credit
officers complacent in their analysis of a credit proposition. This lull in
credit analysis particularly, of projects emanating from weaker sections and
priority sector are often known to make lending decisions redundant for banks
perceive such loans as “any-way-to-be-sanctioned-category”. This naturally
leads to a high proportion of NPAs and correspondingly low level of asset
Over concentration of loans
in a particular region
Either by virtue of the proximity of corporate offices to a
particular geographical area or for historical reasons, some of the major
nationalized banks, are known to have skewed exposure to certain geographical
areas, for example states like Gujarat,
Maharastra, etc. Over a period of time, this over-exposure and the adjunct
beliefs about the credit-worthiness of businessmen hailing from the respective
zones have solidified almost into a norm unmindful of even their vulnerability
to an economic downturn or natural disasters affecting that particular area,
resulting in further rise in the exposure.
Over concentration by
individual borrower
Being satisfied with the current performance of an existing
borrower, banks are often found entertaining fresh requests from him/her for
loans to implement new projects. This act of an apparently comfortable nature
unwittingly leads to over concentration of the loan portfolio among a few
select individual borrowers tying-down the fortune of the bank with that of the
borrower’s fortune. Secondly, as such
concentration of loan portfolio among a select few results out of a “safe-feel”
of the sanctioning authority about the proponent, there is every chance of
credit appraisal getting relegated to the background and therefore repayments
taking a heavy beating. In a nutshell, concentration of loan portfolio in a few
hands is potentially dangerous as it is prone to create more NPAs than healthy
Excessive lending to
cyclical industries
Certain segments of industry are often governed by the
principle of long boom periods followed by steep and rapid busts. Despite this
hard reality, instances are many where banks have been continuing to lend to
cyclical industries even when they are passing through recession. Worse yet,
this is claimed to be more out of their helplessness in unwinding their
existing positions from a segment that is currently passing through a down-turn
in want of takers, that too at whatever price. This however does not mean that
they need to lend fresh funds but here again they argue that unless fresh funds
are disbursed, existing loan cannot be recovered. This kind of learned helplessness is in all
probability likely to weaken the scope for scrupulous financial appraisal. Such
lax in appraisal could only result in poor asset quality or more NPAs.
Over generous credit terms
There are occasions where banks in their anxiety to ward-off a
prospective NPA in the immediate future, are known to sanction generous
credit-terms like long gestation periods, lower installments vis-à-vis
the projected cash-flows etc. Such generous terms are likely to facilitate siphoning-out
the excess cash flows by the borrowers or enable them to recover their
investment in the project at the earliest and there by lose interest in
operating the unit effectively, till at least the loan is repaid. Such an approach is therefore potential
enough to debilitate an existing company and make a loan non-performing.
Scant regard for purpose of
Being carried away by the kind and value of collateral
securities offered by a proponent banks tend to ignore the purpose of loan. On
the contrary, it is the purpose of loan that determines the potential for
generating the much-needed cash flows to service the debt. This kind of
irreverence to the purpose of loan simply means, no credit appraisal. This is a classic example of sanctioning loans
based on non-commercial considerations and to that extent the scope for
building quality assets gets a beating.
Faulty loan structuring
Amount of a loan should be consistent with the purpose for
which the money is requested besides not exceeding the capacity of the customer
to repay in full and on time. Initially, any excess sanctioning vis-à-vis the
required capital for establishing a project is likely to result in
diversification of funds while, the cash flows from the investments made on the
project being not sufficient to service the debt. Similarly any under-financing
is equally capable of inflicting damages by way of time-overruns or
cost-overruns in implementing a project or not being able to put the assets
owned to their fullest use and generate cash flows as contemplated at the time
of sanctioning the loan resulting in loan-default. The net result is poor
quality assets.
Unrealistic repayment
Looking at the other assets owned by an entrepreneur, banks
are known to fix unrealistic loan-repayment schedules. Such ill-founded
enthusiasm is likely to dampen the spirit of an otherwise genuine borrower in
complying with the tight repayment schedule. Secondly, this impasse can also
strain the execution of operating-cycle un-interruptedly, which means, poor
cash flows. All this cumulatively can
result in credit default.
Name-, relationship-driven
It is not uncommon among banks to be overawed by big names
behind the loan proposals being considered for sanctioning. This results in
loan decisions being typically made without proper financial appraisal. Poor
financial analysis obviously, lacks the checks and balances that a systematic
credit review process imposes and is therefore subject to abuse. There may also
be other egregious forms such as “reciprocal giving of favors”, “political
references”, etc., influencing banks to sanction a loan. In such circumstances
no wonder, if banks fail to ask for adequate collateral securities or
over-price the offered collaterals.
Banks, in their anxiety to convert
every proposed idea into a business reality, are often found to rely too much
on collateral securities. Their anxiety to ensure “safe-lending” makes them
vulnerable to being lured by collateral securities offered by a client. This
over-reliance on a collateral to sanction a loan simply wean-away the credit
officer’s attention from the projected cash flows that are essentially supposed
to repay the loan and its critical analysis. It is also possible that the
collaterals being overvalued and during an economic crisis such an overvalued
asset may become worth a fraction of its estimated price. Even if the value of
the collateral is adequate, it may not always be possible to enforce the right
to dispose off the charged securities and appropriate the sale proceeds towards
the outstanding loan. Worse yet, with the kind of legal system that is today
operating in the country, the process of enforcing securities may be so
time-consuming and expensive that the ultimate realized amount might make a
mockery of the “time value of the money”.
Over and above all these considerations, reliance on a
collateral solely for the purpose of justifying the sanction of a loan, which
is incidentally not uncommon among the banks, does no good to a bank for, it
would mean that the underlying project is not self-liquidating. It is a
deliberate attempt simply to sell a credit proposition that is not viable on
its own and thus a potential NPA is being added to the existing loan portfolio.
Either way such lending is injurious to the health of a bank.
Ownership changes
When the ownership of a bank changes, particularly from that
of a state-owned to private holding, a particular peril is likely to occur.
Bank staff, brought up in an environment where loans were made to state-owned
companies or other large enterprises with few questions asked under explicit or
implicit directives of the government, are likely to find it difficult to make
the transition to one, where credit risks must be rigorously examined and the
concomitant returns be sufficient to justify the risks. Similarly, deregulation
and the resulting competition, is likely to make existing banks jittery about
their profits and in the process, may end-up in accepting any business
proposition, giving a go-by to the appraisal needs. The trauma associated with
the transition is likely to add fresh NPAs to the system.
Overriding Behavior of top management
One of the foundation stones of banks, which exhibit an excellent
credit-culture, is a positive and valuing attitude towards their employees.
Many banks have started trumpeting people as their most important asset. This is no doubt admirable, but it calls for hard,
consistent work in policies, statements and actions of the executives for the
employees to believe. Unless these eloquent values—“people, teamwork,
integrity, respect, dignity,” etc. are backed up in practice, no one
would believe them and for that matter, they may simply be treated as a joke of
the day.
For all this to happen, it is the top, which has to set up
the tone. When the tone is cynical a cancer eats away at the potential strength
of the employees. Where the tone is positive towards employees and all
embracing, “power” and a “can-do” spirit arise. As against this, let us now
turn our attention to what is happening in the banking system particularly in
the arena of credit dispensation.
As is known,
the Board of Directors heads the bank-management and most of the appointments
to the board are of political nature. How the members are appointed is besides
the point. What matters here is how the members are handling their
assignments. It is commonly perceived
among the lower-rung officers that the
members of the board of directors does not hesitate to pursue the interests of
their constituents with full vigor. It is not uncommon for officers down
the line being pushed to present a loan proposal in a particular fashion so
that, it could be sold easily to the sanctioning authority. There would also be
occasions where branches are forced to make proposals with whatever information
that has been provided by the proponent. Reportedly, all this is accomplished,
as the subject staff is conscious of their career progression and the influence
of these power-centers on such matters.
this malice is not confined just to the top alone as similar happenings are
reported to be emanating from every executive cadre down the line. The all
pervading ill-feeling among the credit officers is that they are often let down
by their own bosses who are incidentally instrumental for getting a loan
sanctioned, when it comes to the crunch time. Paradoxically, right from the general manager to branch
manager, everyone is known to
influence his immediate sub-ordinate to couch a loan proposal with desired
adjectives while simultaneously carving out their own escape route from
it’s not that the overriding behavior of top management is alone responsible
for the present hiatus. It is no exaggeration to say that certain staff members
from across the cadre are often found to be too eager to accommodate such
demands from the higher ups just to curry favor for their personal comforts.
The net result is the prevalence of unhealthy credit processing practices at all levels which in turn means creation of
poor quality loan assets all around.
What needs to
be done?
In fitness of the problem, one must be bold enough to concede
the fact that unless the bank management put in their heart and soul at
creating a healthy credit culture in the organization, nothing substantial
could be achieved in terms of healthy loan portfolios. Managements, in their
search for the underlying causes of the growing NPA menace, must go beyond the
known frontiers and look for an answer that is dependable to ward off the evil.
They should stretch their accountability studies to pre-sanction happenings
It is time that banks applied their mind to the boggy of NPAs
rising from loans sanctioned under political and such
other extraneous considerations. Such an exercise would help the management
revitalize the system by way of identifying people having a strong backbone to
withstand such pressures and astute commercial sense to hold key posts in the
critical centers of credit processing. Here again, among these two qualities,
it is the sound business sense that is badly needed for two reasons: one, it enables the credit officer to
analyze even a sought after loan from a commercial angle and to build
reasonable checks and balances into sanction terms, and two, all recommended
proposals need not necessarily be bad and hence credit skills come handy in
protecting the bank’s interest. All these efforts can cumulatively enable the
management to synthesize a new credit culture and sustain it by observing the
basic tenets of management such as “standing by what is being preached”.
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