As at
the end of March 2002, 30 out of 97 scheduled commercial banks in India had a
recorded Capital to Risk-weighted Asset Ratio (CRAR) in excess of 15%; 53 banks
had it between 10-15%; nine banks had between 9-10%; two banks had 0-9% and
three banks had a negative CRAR. This is
an impressive record for a developing country. However, this needs constant up-gradation
for an ever-expanding balance sheet that demands simultaneous increase in
regulatory capital. In the normal
course, banks are expected to generate sufficient business to enable them to
plough back retained earnings into the capital. But this does not always hold
good, warranting fresh infusion of capital from external resources. There are
several ways to inject capital most of which increase in paid-up equity is
perhaps the common form. Alternately, banks might issue subordinated, long-term
debt and thereby allow acquisition of new earning assets.
As a
sequel to the 1991 balance of payments crisis, a substantial liberalization of
banking and financial sector started in India. The overall approach to the
economy-wide liberalization was to open up the economy, give the market a
greater role in price setting and increase the private sector role in
development. This has led to the gradual freeing up of interest rates. Another
important outcome of the liberalization process was the continued fall in the
average interest margin of all banks by 1996-97. The year 2001-02 witnessed one
of the sharpest declines in interest rates: The yield on 10-year government
securities declined by as much as 287 basis points and the bank rate, the repo
rate and the overnight call money rates also eased significantly. The Indian
banking system has thus transformed from a regulated interest rate regime to a
market-determined interest rates. In the process, interest rate risk has
assumed greater significance calling for ingenuity in its management.
this backdrop the article “Yield Curve as a Predictor of the Behavior of the
Economy: An Empirical Evidence from the Indian Economy” discusses the impact of macroeconomic fundamentals such as
interest rates, short and long-term nominal and real interest rates,
inflation, investment pattern, growth in GDP etc., on the behavior of economy,
the scope of using yield curve as a predictor of the future economic behavior
and how a practising banker can intuitively make use of yield curve in managing
his asset liabilities to ensure a healthy net interest margin.
In a
falling interest rate scenario and mounting competition, corporates have become
highly conscious of capital cost and its impact on the ultimate price of the
product. In their drive to stay
competitive in a globalized market, many companies have been preferring prepayment
of borrowed funds. In this context the article “Modeling the Prepayment Risk of
a Fixed Rate MBS Portfolio” explains why prepayment risk makes the portfolio
less attractive and proposes three different models for pricing this risk.
In the
recent past it has been observed that call rates were moving in tandem with
repo rates. Making use of the repo/reverse repo rates, the Reserve Bank of
India has been managing liquidity risk by influencing call money rates. It is
also attempting to arrest arbitrage between call money market and foreign
exchange market by adjusting the liquidity in the economy. Thus, the
complexities of the relationship between the repo rates, call rates and forward
premium have assumed greater significance and the same has been discussed in
the article “A Cointegration Causality Test Among Call Money Rates, Forward Premia
and Repos/Reverse Repos Rates”.
the introduction of euro, every Indian exporter having a sizeable trade with
the European countries, thought that the exchange risk that one is exposed to
by virtue of invoicing in a dozen European currencies stands reduced
substantially. Similarly, it was expected that there would be a steep fall in
transaction costs. The article “Global Economic Integration: A Case Study of
Euro and its Implications for India” discusses issues such as invoicing,
pricing, hedging etc., and the new skills the Indian companies have to build up
in the areas of accounting, information technology, tax, treasury, legal and
financial systems so as to effectively transact in euro. Information Technology (IT) has made great
inroads into banking all over the globe. The Indian financial system is
spending a lot of capital on acquisition of hardware and software raising the
share of IT spending up from 10 to 15% in 2001. Spending on IT in the Indian
banking system is however still confined to transaction recording process
rather than using it as a decision-support system. In the wake of increasing competition from
all quarters, the Indian banking system is however trying to enhance its reach
to the customers, their personal profile and brand image by adopting IT across
the board. The article “Perceived Benefits and Inhibitors of IT Adoption and
Resulting Satisfaction” discusses about the IT adoption patterns among the
Indian financial firms, operating systems and database usage, networking status
and e-security measures being adopted. Based on the survey carried out during
March-June 2002, the article also discusses about the perceived benefits from
IT adoption and hindrances, if any. The findings of the article are likely to
help not only legislators, policy-makers and technology providers in
understanding the IT-adoption criteria among Indian financial firms but also
the management of banks in identifying the essential influencing factors for
IT-adoption and leverage over them.
(IJBM Vol.2 No. 2 May 2003)
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